There’s a new bag that’s been stealing the hearts of many and for those who haven’t heard, it’s the Replica Christian Dior Handbags. Made of genuinely fine lambskin, this bag is one on the books.
A new Dior pouch with chain that looks like one of those famous wallet on chain (WOC) bags, this new bag creation is sure to redefine your take on class and elegance. Graciously refined and modish, Dior Shadow line combines two of women’s necessity: simplicity and practicality.
This Dior Shadow flat pouch in black lambskin features a titanium interior, a light gold-tone clasp and chain. The bag can be worn over the shoulder, cross body or by the hand.
It measures 24 x 17 cm and on the inside has a large interior compartment, 4 card slots, 1 flat pocket and 1 removable 120 cm chain.
Comparing it with the iconic Replica Christian Dior Handbags, the two bags look dissimilar from each other. They have their particular game to own thus there’s no need to pit them against one another but for purposed of comparison, the Replica Christian Dior Handbags features a bigger iconic Dior clasp and is adorned with Cannage topstitching.
It’s almost December and Dior knows this. So they created the newest Dior Bobby Bag in Shearling. Take a look at these babies, they look timeless and be carried in every Fall and Winter seasons. More over, when it’s time to go to Après Ski again, these minimalistic styles are the perfect fashion pieces, don’t you think so?
First of all, these Prada Replica Handbags are quite new as they’ve been released not long ago. And to be exact, these bags are made from textured flexible shearling. They feel very warm and soft.
I especially like the white shearling fuzz around the flap, then finished with the CD logo in the center and reinforced with the buckle strap.
The shoulder strap can be adjusted but also detached. I like this bag a lot. The overall appearance feel minimalistic, yet sophisticated in its own way.