After Prada have become a worldwide famous brand, Miuccia decided to build another one. She call it Replica Givenchy Handbags. The brand started in 1993 and was originally focused on high fashion woman clothes and accessories. Replica Givenchy Handbags have become a powerful fashion house and have boutiques located in America and China.
One of Replica Givenchy Handbags is the Matelasse bags. The appearance is young, gorgeous with a touch of elegancy. It can be used either day, night and weekend. The bag comes with a 95 cm shoulder strap and double handles, you can carry either by hand or cross shoulder. You won’t get disappointed when you look inside the bag. Not only is it large enough for all your personal items, but Givenchy have build in numerous of pockets, giving you space to structure and organize. I love the bag not only because it is practical, but it can also matches many outfit styles.
The bow bag is especially made for woman who love large bag. If you need a bag to travel or you have got a busy lifestyle, then the bow wouldn’t let you down. With a removable strap, and two handles with rings, you can be sure the bag can be carried comfortable. Givenchy have marked in the center their logo, so no one will miss out that you are carrying a high fashion brand.
In October 2012, Givenchy have relaunched the Replica Fendi Bags. By redesigning the bag, it became much more elegant, attractive and chic. The bag gives you a feeling of high value. It’s been said that the new series have been made by using exclusive calf micro quilting process and also leather specular process. And by simply observing, you will notice that much attention was given to the details.